With the knowledge of Javascript, even without knowing Node.js and Socket.IO, it is possible to build a multiplayer game. Modern browsers like those that support websockets have made it easy. Though it is a complex process, Node.js and Socket.IO are like bricks that makes it easily possible. Instead of using HTTP which works only on semi real-time and asynchronous games, a chess game and some cards games that friends can play online synchronously, asynchronously and in real time can be made using these tools.

Socket.io and Node.js

Socket. io is one of the key components in writing a multiplayer game. It is used to write server and client side codes thereby making the flow of collaboration and communication easy. Some of the functions of socket.io includes:

  • It enables real-time networking on browsers like communication between a client or clients and a server.
  • It makes auto-reconnection possible; a disconnected client doesn’t have to wait until the server is available again to reconnect.
  • Disconnection detection; the client or the server is able to know when the other person is not responding anymore.

On the other hand, Node.js is used in developing networking applications like a multiplayer game. It is a very fast code executor, and never buffers. It helps save both time and resources in multiplayer games because of its tendency to return response very quickly.

Initiating the multiplayer codes

When Node.js works with websockets, it can create many different possibilities. The first step is getting a single-player code installed and unpacking it into a directory. Node.js is then downloaded and installed on the PC. After installation, it should be set outside the public directory. Then install the Node Package Manager which will be used to install the socket.io. Node.js sometimes comes with NPM installation.

Make sure these components are installed and that there are no errors during installation. If they function properly, then you are ready to create a rea-time multiplayer game.